Not Showing, Still Glowing



It's taken a long time to get to this point. We've always felt called to adopt, but we thought that would be part of our story (not the story). However, God leads us, and we follow. And we're so, SO excited to share that we've begun our adoption journey.

This will be a long, arduous, exhaustive, exciting, hopeful, scary, emotional roller coaster process. There are many steps involved and there are no guarantees. 

The purpose of this blog is to keep people who want to follow along with us updated. We know there are a lot of questions and will do our best to answer them. We plan to be certified to foster. Then, we hope to first adopt an infant through private placement, followed by fostering-to-adopt a sibling group or two in a few years. We also know that God's plan might differ from this, so we await his instruction!

Once we complete our home study process, we intend to take a brief hiatus to save money and allow me to recover from surgery that is planned in March/April 2023. Once recovery is done, it's go time, baby! But we want to get everything completed that we can in the meantime.

This has been in the works for months (if you count the amount of time God's been working on us to do this, years). The more people who know about our journey, the more prayers we will hopefully have, and the more we hope to encourage people to consider fostering/adoption, too! Please share our story (heck, shout it from the rooftops!) and keep us in prayer.

The world is a scary place. These kiddos have been through more than most of us would be able to handle as adults. They need us. We need them.

We are so grateful for your support, love, and most importantly, prayers. Let's do this!


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