Our Hearts are Full - Garage Sale Update

Our hearts are so, so full. 

People showed up in ENORMOUS ways for our adoption fundraising garage sale.

Not only did over 30 families donate items out the WAZOO for our sale, but God orchestrated the details so beautifully. We must've met 15 adoptive families who came to share their stories with us, provide their contact information, offer advice, and donate to our cause without purchasing anything. 

Our worlds collided as we met people who knew others in our village. We had just enough tables, just enough room, just enough sunshine (except for being rained out Sunday, but more to come there...). God provided, you guys. We had just enough. Additionally, through items sold and generous donations, we made just enough to cover the phase of the adoption we're in (home study). Friends even had their own garage sales and sent us the proceeds!

We had friends and family pitch in to make this the success it was, and we're forever grateful - from our moms and Dan's grandma taking shifts to prep and help during the sale, to yummy baked goods being donated for our bake sale, to picking up tables from the church for us, to donating clothes racks, to coming out to support our sale (people I haven't seen in YEARS!), to friends coming to sit with us and help organize throughout the days. It was a sight to behold, a true orchestration of love, support, and assistance for which we will always, always be grateful. 

What's Next?

  • As I mentioned, Sunday was rained out. We still have TONS of great items, and a lot that we didn't even get to put out! Our solution? Host a virtual garage sale on Facebook! The sale will run from Sunday, August 28 - Saturday, September 3rd. I'll create an event, then post photos to the event page and people can comment sold on the items they'd like. Must be able to pick up in Jackson Township by Saturday, September 10th. Be sure to like our Facebook group, DanandEmilyAdopt, so you don't miss the event. And please, please share to social media and through word of mouth. We couldn't do this without you!!
  • Dan's photography website is just about up and running. I'll be posting that link soon so that you can purchase his amazing artwork!
Again, we are absolutely humbled and grateful for all of your support, love, sharing of events/posts, and of course, prayers. Thank you for helping us make our dream (and, we believe, calling) to adopt!



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