No Bump, Still Pumped!

Time is FLYING. I can't believe so much has gotten done in such a short amount of time! 

The latest:

  1. We had our first home study last week, which was emotionally exhausting but beautiful. We really love our assigned case-workers so far and are looking forward to continuing this process with them.  Our doggos were excited the first few minutes, then laid down by the table and treated us to their snores during the interview. 😄 My individual interview is on Friday, and Dan's is next week. Then we'll reconvene for more discussion and a safety audit.
  2. After weeks of planning and preparing the house, our fire inspection was completed yesterday. I'm excited to share that we passed!
  3. We are now 100% complete on all of our paperwork including releases, medical info, financial info, testing, audits, background checks, etc. It feels so good to see that completion in our adoption portal.
You are a generous lot. I can't even describe the emotions we've felt with all of the love, prayer, support, donations, and provisions you've provided.
  • For example, we need to close the garage sale item donation collection; we've run out of room! If you've already contacted me and we're still arranging pick-up/drop-off details, no worries. We just can't handle any new donations, which is a great "problem" to have! Over 30 people have provided wonderful things to sell (and that's not including the friends, Bible study partners, neighbors, and families that have donated to some of those 30 people for us!). 

Here's the updated flyer with garage sale details. We'd love to see you there! In addition to the garage sale itself, a friend was kind enough to coordinate a bake sale; yummy baked items will be available for purchase there, too! Please share the below flyer for those in the northeast Ohio area - the more, the merrier!

We've had monetary donations coming in, too. These gifts are SO appreciated and get us closer to (the very costly process of) providing an adoptive home for children in need. 

A special thank you for your generous monetary donations:
Michelle B.
Amy M. 
Debi M.
Emily's mama
Elaine M. 

How to help:

  • Come to our garage sale to shop! Seriously, there is so. much. great. stuff. 
  • Come to our garage sale to visit! Maybe you'd even want to help cover the bake sale table? Or just hang out? We'd love to see you! No need to coordinate - just stop by when you can.
  • If you have any paper or plastic grocery bags you don't need, we'd be glad to grab them! 
  • Pray for the days of the sale to have sunshine - 8/18 - 8/21!!
  • Continued prayers for a smooth-as-possible process, and for the families needing to face a foster process or adoption decision.
  • Spread the word! The more people who are aware of our story, the more people can pray and even perhaps donate moving forward!

We're thankful for you!!




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